Fungi of Saskatchewan

Biodiversity finance: does it add up?

Will putting a price on biodiversity help nature conservation? Some delegates…

Pigeons on a tiled roof

Poisoning pigeons in the park

If you are my age, you may have fond memories of Tom Lehrer’s darkly humorous…

Vulture trouble

Farmers in the Aveyron, southern France, claim that livestock is being killed…

Rewilding. Fauna, farmers and flocks: can they live together?

Talk given at the Festival of Transhumance, in Santa Eulàlia de Puig-Oriol,…

goats in a corral

An extraordinary transhumance

Arriving in Santa Eulàlia de Puig-Oriol, the first thing I hear when I open the…

Rewilding is about people

Context is king. To understand attitudes towards rewilding, it is not enough to…

Andorra, where the bear is female

The archetypal bear is male. When I first started investigating the cultural…

Bears in the bedroom

Cultural preconceptions about nature are important, especially where…

Young lynx © L Terminet

Spotting the Lynx

Having disappeared from France during the 20th century, reintroduction in…

Silent Earth by Dave Goulson

Silent Earth by Dave Goulson, Vintage, 2021A very attractive cover…