Vulture trouble

Farmers in the Aveyron, southern France, claim that livestock is being killed…

Rewilding. Fauna, farmers and flocks: can they live together?

Talk given at the Festival of Transhumance, in Santa Eulàlia de Puig-Oriol,…

goats in a corral

An extraordinary transhumance

Arriving in Santa Eulàlia de Puig-Oriol, the first thing I hear when I open the…

Rewilding is about people

Context is king. To understand attitudes towards rewilding, it is not enough to…

Camel Karma

Camel Karma by Ilse Köhler-RollefsonI bought Ilse Köhler-Rollefson’s…

Tarasconnaise sheep in the Pyrenees

We, like sheep, have gone astray?

Essential reading for those interested in the impact of livestock on the…